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Pros and Cons of DIY Home Renovations

Sometimes tasks and projects around the home can be DIY but there are some projects that you should leave to the professionals. Today you can just search your phone for a step-by-step guide on “how to” almost anything. Before you jump into a home project, look at the pros and cons of taking on the tasks yourself. Here are several things to reflect on when making a decision whether a project is a DIY or leave it to the professionals.

What do you get from your time spent on a DIY project?

Time is as valuable as money and projects take both investments. A good rule of thumb is to give yourself an hourly rate for your DIY projects. Some projects might take you longer than others because you have to not only purchase materials but also research the best approach to the DIY project. Ask yourself the question is this project worth all the time I will need to spend on it versus just hiring a pro?

What does your budget say about the project?

Time is a precious commodity and you need to determine which is more valuable to you for this specific project. Compare both DIY options and contractor options and see which is better for your budget. If it seems you will spend too much time figuring out how to DIY, but you do not have the money to hire a professional, here are several tips to start saving for the project. One, create a target date for your project and start to set money aside each month leading up to the projected date. Two set a target amount that needs to be saved before you start the project and once you have saved the amount, the project can be completed. Three, figure out your target date and how much you need by the date and divide the amount by the number of months (this will give you the amount you need to save each month).

What happens if something goes wrong?

Accidents or unexpected setbacks happen when it comes to home repairs. If you decide to take the DIY route and something goes wrong it is all on you. If you are setting a new sink vanity and a pipe bust, then you have to fix and incur the expense but if you hire a contractor and this happens, the contractor’s insurance will more than likely cover the repair.

Are you ready for this?

Some DIY projects are very simple and others are complex. Before you dig into a DIY project make sure you are comfortable with all the tools required, or you are confident in your skills to complete the tasks. Give yourself a reality check to make sure you have the experience level needed.

Is there fun in it?

DIY projects can be fun and inspirational. Learning a new craft can be fun for many but others might find it more enjoyable to let someone else take on the project.

What do I do now?

It is all up to you. You know if you would rather leave it up to the pros or tackle the project head-on. Your experience level and your wallet will play a big factor in determining if you can take on the job yourself.

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