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Tips To A Green Home

Nowadays eco-friendly is more common when it comes to building a house. Eco-friendly used to be expensive but now not so much. Here are tips to make a green home.

Build or Buy a Brick Home

Brick is a common product to use when building a home. It is the best natural product on the market. Brick can withstand fire, wind, water, hail and all other natural forces because it is mined clay that is fired into a brick. Brick comes in many colors and sizes for almost any architectural style of home. The color will never fade and there is very little maintenance. Using brick saves on natural resources and money.

Proper Insulation Pays Big Dividends

Most new construction homes are properly insulated due to good engineering practices and technology. “By making your home more efficient at trapping in the heat, you will cut your heating bills and use less fossil fuels. A draft excluder is one of the quickest and cheapest ways to keep your home warmer, and you can also think about insulating your home with thermal wallpaper along with loft or basement insulation. If you’re a renter, you can request these from your landlord, as they have a legal obligation to make the property energy efficient,” according to House Beautiful.

Window Treatments Work

Biofriendly Plant explains, “The curtains and blinds are not just for keeping nosy neighbors away. They are also there to keep the heat and cool air outside. Despite keeping your windows closed, heat and cold air can still creep in. If you don’t have a big tree to protect your home from the sun during the summer months, your home can feel like an oven.

“Upgrading your curtains and blinds is definitely a great way to maintain the temperature and make your home more environmentally friendly. Using the AC all day every day is definitely not.”

Hot Water is a Waste

Most of the energy used by a washing machine is to heat the water. According to Energy Star, up to 90% of the energy used by a washing machine goes toward heating water. Washing on the cold water setting not only reduces heat consumption but also cuts down on carbon dioxide emissions. Your clothes will thank you too because hot water can deteriorate the fabric and fade the colors.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Biofriendly Plant also suggests, “Investing in the right energy-efficient light bulbs makes a huge difference. You will not only use less electricity, but you will also make your home more environmentally friendly. No matter how tempting incandescent bulbs are, LED bulbs are a better alternative. They last longer, are eco-friendly, and they help you save money in the long run.”

Synthetic Turf Saves Water and Energy

The sun and lack of rain can turn your green lawn brown and requires a lot of upkeep. A synthetic turf means economic sustainability as it does not need to be planted, cultivated, fertilized, watered and trimmed. Lawn maintenance and water bills can add up to a big expense.

Clean and Green

“Natural cleaning products are just as effective as the regular ones,” according to Biofriendly Planet. “But they don’t contain any harmful chemicals that are bad for the environment and your health. Granted, natural cleaning products are more expensive, and not all people can afford them. Nevertheless, you can make your own cleaning products using items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.”

Replace Old, Inefficient Appliances

Home technology has come such a long way in the last decade which has made them very energy efficient. Energy Star, the US government’s official energy-saving office, has a comprehensive list of all home appliances that meet its rigorous standards for efficiency. For a list of Energy Star appliances click here.

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